To my surprise many rocks were rearranged, balancing precariously upon larger boulders.
No superglue or magic potions held these rocks in place, just the patience and fine adjustments of a man's hands.
I watched him concentrate as he gently moved the rocks into position—sculpting a new foreground for the sunset.
People gathered around. Some copied with smaller rocks. A child stood on one foot, arms out, tipping back and forth until she found her balance. Birds perched on nearby rocks. A guitar, a shoe, keys and other sorts of items were piled on top of the balanced rocks. Some toppled.
Cell phones and cameras snapped photos. Conversations among former strangers marveled.
At day's end I know I must balance creativity, time in nature, and social time to sleep well with a smile on my face. See more of these photos.
Are you aware you are balancing multiple things moment by moment?
What comes to your mind now?
How's it working for you?
What happens when things topple over?