Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hiding in the Fog

Tuesdays I paint in San Francisco and I have 3 paintings in process that require a sunny day. As I motored over the hill and into the city the sun shone, but the bridge was shrouded in low clouds. All I could see was the tip top of two twin towers. Across the bay, Alcatraz Island appeared to be floating in air, with portions of buildings unconnected to the rocky shore below.

Daytime fog is like an eraser that removes portions of things as it moves. Watching closely, the fog blurred the bridge, then made it appear translucent until it completely disappeared. Although the bridge remained, its appearance continued changing.

If I think of my white canvas as fog, then my colored brushstrokes gradually reveal what is hidden from my view. My heart and mind add passion and personality until the painting is completed.

Photos of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz in the fog.

Later, I'll post the paintings, since I did not work on them today.

Has the fog erased something in your view or clouded your vision? Describe your experience!

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